Took our 4 Maltese poedels to have there teeth cleaned this week. Got very good service from the receptionist and the Dr phoned me to give me a update.
Dr. Marius is the best Vet !! Passion for his work & always time to help when you need help!!
Dr Marius Louw is a gentle giant. He has a wonderful heart for all our furry babies. He is calmly confident, sympathetic and above all else,superbly capable. An added bonus is that he is very well priced. All his staff display the same care .Here is a nice pic of Ragnar's eyes. I tried to get a decent pic to you via a check-in but I dont know if you can see it there. Anyway. Here it is again.
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Wat 'n wonderlike diens. My Yorkie, Maija was olik - vanoggend Saterdag 11 Junie 2022. Geskakel en vriendelike en behulpsame Ontvangsdame my dadelik gehelp. Dr Jacobs my in detail verduidelik wat fout is.
Wonderlike diens. Vriendelik.  Goeie ervaring. 
Hierdie praktyk is awesome! Op n Sondag aand n nood operasie vir my Lilly Lab. Onmiddelik gehelp en haar lewe is gered. Die omgee is opreg van ontvangs regdeur tot by Dokter. Amazing mense!
May be a closeup of dog
Dr Marius is just so caring when he works with the your dog or cat or any other animal
Dr Marius Louw van Accuvet Diere Hospitaal, hoe kan mens dankie sê vir soveel omgee. Ek was vir 'n knieg operasie die 9de April. Die oggend van my operasie moes my honne kind Kelev ook 'n baie groot nek operasie kry vir 'n "collapsed disk" in sy nekkie, hy was so te sê verlam. Groot was my stress, maar met dr Marius se groot omgee hart het hy my heeltyd op hoogte gehou hoe dit gaan voor die operasie en ook na die tyd. Eks dieselfde aand huistoe. Kon eers Sondag vir Kelev gaan kuier, waar hy alreeds probeer opstaan, op sy agterbeentjies. Maandag met besoektyd kom die slegte nuus, Kelev kan nie loop nie, iets is fout.
Dr Marius, baie bekommerd, ons moet 'n MRI doen. Bevestiging, hy moet die volgende oggend weer opereer, my hart breek maar ek sal enige iets doen tot daar regtig niks meer is om te doen nie. Twee weke voor die groot krisis met Kelev moes ek my Mia honne kind laat slaap. So daar was gladnie vir my eers 'n manier om nie alles te probeer wat menslik moontlik is nie.
Ek kon nie nog 'n honne kind verloor nie. Dinsdag oggend presies op die tyd wat Kelev teater toe is word ek baie siek. Ek land in die hospitaal in ICU. Al wat ek aan kan dink is my Kelev, baie bekommerd kry ek bietjie later 'n oproep, die operasie was 'n groot sukses. Dr Marius maak my rustig en sê moenie bekommerd wees oor Kelev nie, hy kan in die hospitaal bly tot ek uit die hospitaal kom. Wat 'n verligting nou kan ek op myself konsentreer. Elke aand kry ek 'n boodskap van Kelev se vordering. In die oggende kry ek foto's en video's.
Drie dae na die operasie loop Kelev. Na agt dae word ek ontslaan uit die hospitaal, kon nie wag om vir Kelev te gaan haal nie. Op hierdie stadium was Kelev al twee weke in die hospitaal. Ek was so emosioneel, hom glad nie gesien na sy tweede operasie nie. Die ontmoeting was groot, hy het my opgelek toe hy my sien. Wat ek probeer sê met hierdie post is om 'n grooooooot dankie te sê vir Dr Marius en al die personeel van Accuvet vir almal wat so mooi gekyk het na Kelev, al die liefde, omgee die bederf toe ek dit nie kon doen nie. Sy rehab om seker te maak hy vorder en loop weer goed. Dr Marius, ek kan net vandag sê, woorde kan nooit dankie genoeg sê vir wat jy gedoen het nie. Jou passie en liefde vir diere is groot, dit is nie net 'n werk vir jou nie, dis jou lewe. Ek dank ons Vader dat jy oor my pad gekom het.
May be an image of dog and outdoors
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Oom Dr Marius, toe ek baie bang en my klein lyfie in vreeslike pyn was en ek amper nie meer kon loop nie, het jy en al die vriendelike tannies met julle omgee harte my met baie liefde ontvang en my lewe gered. My mens mamma het die hele nag oor my gehuil (en ek oor haar) maar jy het haar konstant op hoogte gehou van die MRI scan, die rugoperasie tot sy my vanmiddag kom haal het. Ek hoop al die ander siek diertjies kry ook n kans om jou omgee en liefde te beleef. My mens mamma gaan vir die hele wereld van jou vertel. Baie worshond liefdetjies. Pebbles.
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I've had a ruff run with a need to take 3 pets to the vet one week after another.....had visited 3 other vets which were unsympathetic much to my different plights and I was just another number in the queue and it was another day at the office for them....and mark my words you guaranteed to still leave with a vet bill longer then your average grocery slip from pick n pay or spar....just another day hey, and yet that bill is about half your month rental hurts get such a cold experience for the good money you pay..... They are ruthless with money..And that part you should already have made provision for before you get there, one must apply for second loans bridging finance or starve for the rest of the month ...but the kids(pets) must never vet know differently....we will be fine as long as they fine....It's so sad as to me, this visit is no different then a parent rushing their infant baby off to a pediatrician for emergency care, matters are also time sensitive or their lives are at risk, and we arrive vulnerable and frantic and completely worried about the wellbeing of our child....we will do anything to save them, whatever it takes in those moments you cannot bear to think of loosing such unconditional love in the time you had them....Accuvet is the only vet in those hard moments that showed compassion, saw my stress, enthusiastically gave me understanding,answered all 267 questions I had without irritation, gave me comfort and assured me they will look after my babies if I had to ever leave them for a while.....I have no doubt I may have been their 22nd pet parent for the day, we all singing the same song of concern and all punting the look after my baby that point I personally would have lost my enthusiasm and been like " yeah yeah yeah , yours and every other pet I've seen for the day"....prob why I am not a VET today yet may as well have been after all my research reading and questions to the Doctors...
They are indeed theee best experience you going to ever get! They are apt and on point, they care for animals and it is visible to you ......your pet gets the help that was needed, there is transparency and costs are made known to you upfront,there's not offensive surprise bills added, you don't have a long slip listing arbitrary sundries per line with extra gauze cotton wool and breathing air and its individual prices so highly priced that even members of The Hellen Keller Society can SEE it is daylight robbery.....accuvet doesn't have excessive prices, there billing is fair and this honesty is appreciated .....they are also the only VETS offering month specials on their services. Join their Facebook group to stay informed......I see this as true compassion especially if you have multiple pets....we have fallen on difficult times one doesn't have excess funds, things like vaccinations then become a matter of " if you can't take them all, then you take none" which is a sad reality which we you can take all 3 at an Affordable rate and you feel good to take care of all your pets equally
I assure you, they are worth the effort, drive if you far away, if you too have ever felt exploited by a vet in moments already hard by the illness of a beloved fur child, I promise you will never have to feel that way again.....
Marius has been an amazing Vet to our two babies
Alhoewel ons nie pasiënte van Accuvet is nie, het ek op aanbeveling van verskeie mense besluit om dr Marius te vertrou met die uitsit van ons geliefde hond. Ons is met soveel deernis hanteer, van die ontvangsdame, tot dr Marius self. Hy was ongelooflik simpatiek en die hele prosedure is vinnig en professioneel, en tog met soveel omgee, gedoen. Baie, baie dankie
Ek persoonlik dink dat Accuvet en sy span seker een van die beste veearts praktyke in Pretoria Oos is. Dr Marius is werklik n uitstaande veearts. Ek het nog nie n Dr teegekom wat met soveel liefde en passie sy werk doen nie. Ek sal Accuvet Hospital vir almal aanbeveel. Vriende en familie wat ek reeds na hulle verwys het stem saam en is net so gelukkig.
Dankie aan jul almal.
Dr Marius en sy Span is net die beste. Omgee harte, passie vir diere en uitstekende diens. Van kos bestel tot operasies. Ek weet my honde is in die beste hande as hulle moet veearts toe gaan. Dankie vir julle!
Caring for our precious pets as if "they" are their own. Loving and attentive, with a very reasonable cost.
Our African Grey parrot Tuggy, has been to other vets in the past to have his nails and beak seen to and to have his wings trimmed. Dr Marius from Accuvet was the only vet that didn’t traumatize our poor bird. It was such a pleasure taking him there and still having him love me afterwards
Very thorough and inspire confidence
Baie goeie diens vir die eerste keer n Dr wat nie bang is vir Rotties nie. My rottie was skrikerig in die begin maar hy het haar vinnig gemaklik gemaak. Sal nie gou ander veearts weer gebruik nie. Accuvet is die beste
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All the staff members are so friendly and helpfull. Dr Louw is so good with our little German Shepherd. Thank you for the info on Parvo and how to rid our home and yard of this virus. We will definitely recommend anyone to visit your practice with their furkids.
Baie dankie vir die sorg en omgee vir Snowy. Dr Marius, dankie vir die ekstra tyd saam Snowy. Hy was my sielsgenoot. Mis hom ongelooflik maar julle het dit baie beter gemaak met julle omgee en kennis.
Baie dankie
Very friendly staff and Dr Marius was so friendly and knowledgeable with all three dogs
Best vet in Pta!!! He cares for big and small animals.
Absolutely the best, will use them again
Really great Vet, Dr Marius is very good and prices very reasonable. First time that I am comfortable that my daschie is in good hands.
Beste veearts waar ons al ooit was! Dr Marius en sy span is ongelooflike mense! Sal Accuvet Veterinary Hospital vir almal aanbeveel!
Best vet I've been to. They're so helpful and kind and passionate about what they do. The lady behind reception (Shenique) spent a fair bit of time just chatting with us, answering questions, and giving great info and advice. The puppies were SUPER relaxed, which says a lot. Their rates are also very good. Highly recommended!
I brought my dog in after cycad poisoning and Accuvet reacted fast and affectively. My Corgi had to stay the night, but I did not worry because Dr Louw communicated throughout the process ensuring me of my puppy's status and progress. We definitely appreciate this amazing vet and will always be grateful for their excellent service and care for dogs.
Memory Schonfelder  recommends Accuvet Veterinary HospitalMy dog was ill ,my family was stressed about the dog...and Accuvet helped us and Bella get well...
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Dankie dat julle so mooi na ons kind gekyk het! Ons waardeer julle harde werk. Dankie vir julle omgee en vriendelike personeel. Liefde Joshua
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Hoe Kan mens genoeg dankie se... Lex, my 9 jarige bulldog kind se beentjie en lewe is vandag gered. Sowat n jaar gelede het n knop op haar voorbeen begin, n Ander veearts het daarna gekyk en gereken dis geen rede tot kommer. In die laaste maand het dit taamlik vinnig gegroei en ons is sowat 2 weke gelede na Accuvet. Dit was wel die groot ongenaakbare K.... ...Dr Marius het my voorberei Dat amputasie moontlik die beste uitkoms sou wees. Familie en vriende het begin bid vir die Klein amper - mensie. Ogv biopsie uitslae het dok besluit om te opereer... Maar ons sou met n oop wond sit, grootte v n R5 stuk. Kanse v infeksie ens Deur ons Vader se Genade en blessing op Marius se roeping en passie v sy werk het ek vandag die oproep gekry Dat die Gewas verwyder is en hul die wond volkome kon heg. Toe ek gaan kuier, was sy reeds reg om huis toe te gaan (en baie verbal, toe ek ry sonder haar moes ry... Dis n bulldog ding, hul trap mens gereeld uit. MY 9 Jarige wat nog soos n 2 jarige puppy is, is gespaar vandag. Dankie vir Jul liefde en omgee, v ma en honde-kind,. Marius jou band wat jy met elke dier opbou, is onbeskryflik ... Hul liefde vir jou en al die staf is die heel grootste getuigskrif. Ek is Jul innig dankbaar
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Affordable, compassionate
Dr. Marius is die beste. Gee so baie om en is 'n uitstekende deeglike veearts. Praktyk is altyd skoon en netjies met vriendelike ontvangsdames.
Die beste diens wat ek nog ontvang het. Met operasie was ek op hoogte gehou. Toe sy uit gestoot word, wakker word en ? dag later selfs boodskappe ontvang om te hoor hoe dit met haar gaan. Hulle gee regtig om. Hulle diens is tops!
We will never take our pets anywhere else again! Dr Louw and his staff are simply the best.
On Thursday myself and Adrians life we thrown upside down by the sudden death of our beloved Yorkie Monkey. What started out as a visit by dr Marius early morning to see why our little boy didnt want to eat, ended up in the biggest shock imaginable. Monkey had liver cancer and it was in advanced stage. Dr Marius said it would be best to put him down as he is in a lot of pain, although my little man never showed it. I want to thank Dr Marius for the beautiful, gentle manner in which he first of all handled Monkey, and then his shocked Moms, his tears with us, his support and compassion. U will have to look very hard and very far for a better Vet for your kids. Thank you from the bottom of our broken hearts.
Such an amazing place! You can see that Dr Louw knows what he's doing and he handles the pets very well. I will definitely be going to accuvet from now on!
Amazing service. I've used the call-out service for our dogs.
Nail clipping and general examination.
Really passionate Dr and assistant.
Our new favorite vet at home
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Lovely vet, we adopted a kitten from them and couldn’t be happier
Marius Louw is die beste veearts wat ek ken.
Dr Marius is werklik die mees amazing veearts. Soveel liefde en omgee vir die diere in hul sorg.
Dr Marius het soveel passie in wat hy doen. Hy het Enzo met sy vel probleem so goed uitgesorteer. Hy is n ander hond en kan sy lewe geniet! Bella was in vir n operasie na sy gebyt is en hy haar so mooi hanteer. Sy liefde vir diere is groot. Baie Dankie Accuvet julle is uitstekend!!!
Compassionate towards the pet as well as the owner. Thank you Dr Marius. Appreciate all you did for our beloved furry family member, right up to the end.
Die diens is fantasties! 
Dankie Dr Maruis julle vir die vriendelike ontvangs by die spreekkamer en met die vinnige optrede en besluit om die operasie van Lady te doen en ook die nasorg. Kyk hoe lekker speel sy nou al weer.
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Truly an animal lover and excellent vet with latest knowledge. Excellent with cats.
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Ons is die afgelope tyd deur 'n riller met ons woef Trompie. Dr Louw en sy uitstekende span het agtergekom dat hy van my kinders se speelgoed ingesluk het. Hy het ons heeltyd op hoogte gehou van hoe dit met Trompie gaan. Elke oggend was daar 'n video gestuur oor hoe dit met hom gaan. Dankie Dr Louw dat jy Trompie se lewe gered het op 'n sondagaand 18:45. Jy was heeltyd eerlik met ons asook heeltyd op hoogte gehou. Danksy jy en jou span, is Trompie na 2weke weer terug by sy huis. As Trompie kon praat, sou hy beslis saamstem dat julle die beste is.
Most compassionate and caring Vet and staff. Marius even dropped our Chloe off at home for us after sorting out her bronchitis. And her meds were nicely packaged and very clearly marked. Thank you Marius! We are patients for life
They are fantasic luv luv luv them.......
NAME AND FAME: Accuvet Veterinary Hospital
Ons is die afgelope tyd deur ‘n riller tyd met ons kat, Fifi. Ons het haar na ‘n veearts gevat wat ons verkeerdelik laat glo het dat sy siek is omdat haar tande blykbaar vrot was. Ek bel toe vir Accuvet - wat huidiglik ‘n special op dental screening het - om te kyk of dit wel so is. Daar was toe nie fout met Fifi se tande nie, inteendeel het sy Leukemie gehad en ons moes haar gisteraand laat uitsit.
Accuvet het met soveel liefde en deernis met Fifi gewerk. Ek was heeltyd op hoogte gehou van haar vordering. Marius, die veearts en sy personeel het ons na ure ook met Fifi bygestaan.
Ongelukkig het ons Fifi verloor, maar vir wat dit werd was, was ek bly sy was by mense wat na haar omgesien het en so gemaklik as moontlik probeer maak het.
Niks was te veel moeite nie!
Baie dankie dat jul so mooi na Alex en Layla gekyk het terwyl ek met vakansie was. Julle is puik.
My vet of choice for sure. Been to a few vets in Pretoria East and finally feel like I have found the one. I recommend this vet to anyone!
Ai hoe lekker om met 'n vriendelikke hulpvaardige mense te gesels! Dankie vir julle hulp met my Dukie
Baie dankie Marius en jou span vir jul profesionele, vinnige, vriendelike en goeie diens. Jul is awesome
Ongelooflike deeglike en kliniese praktyk duisende dankies Dr Maruis en kundige personeel dat julle twee van my kinders met soveel omgee en besorgheid hanteer het. Persoonlike deeglike aandag en terugvoering van prosedure gaan geensins ongesiens verby. Ten sterkte aanbevole.
Best service, friendliest staff and with the utmost love for animals. We will recommend Accuvet to all pet owners! Thank you for looking after Thando and for making him better, we are grateful that we’ve cross paths with you. You rock!
Awesome doctor and team 5 Starts
Antoinette Nel  recommends Accuvet Veterinary Hospital.
Dr Louw and his team are amazing. Always friendly and willing to help.
Very knowledgeable veterinarian and friendly staff. Great specials and went above and beyond with no extra charges. Best vet in Pretoria.
Outstanding veterinarian and wonderful well equipped hospital. Marius is a very competent and very experienced veterinarian who is very kind and he explains things very well. One of the best vets in Pretoria and a really nice guy.
Dr Marius is the best vet ever - passionate about his work and cares deeply for animals - treats yours as if they are his own. I do not hesitate to recommend taking your pets to this excellent veterinary practise.
The service we received is great, and you can immediately see and feel Dr Marius's passion and care for animals and his practice. Highly recommended!
I LOVE this place!! Best doctor I have ever encountered. They go to so much trouble to keep our fur babies safe and healthy!! Always willing to help and give advice. Dr Marius Louw, just WOW, what a GREAT man!! 11/10 would recommend any day and every day!!
Welcomed me and Jacky with open arms. Direct communication re her condition. She is still in the hospital waiting for dental procedure. I get regular updates from Dr Marius and his team. Very impressed so far
Marius is fantastic with skin disorders of pure bred breeds. Adjacent is Elmaine who is a world class groomer who can do hand picking and also assists with care of highly allergic or sensitive skin in dogs.
If there was an option for 10 stars I would award that. Best Vet I ever found and specially for cats. Seperate Cat entrance. Dr. Marius brilliant and patient and kind. Every employee goes that extra 10 miles. Fee's very reasonable. Thank you for saving my Gorgeous. They even put up with Gorgie's stressed out Mom. God bless you all and the Practice in abundance.
I was very surprised about how aforable their prices was and level of care towards my cat. I did use many vets before but this one stands out above the rest. Well done and thanks
I personally think that Dr. Marius is one of the best in his profession. The only thing about Accuvet is that they are very busy. You can't really speak to the veterinarian although you want to but in all Dr Marius is the best. Prices are reasonable. Atmosphere. Very clean and comfortable.
Such a nice and caring vet even the receptionist was very sweet and helpful, will support them again, prices are well priced as well.
Friendly, helpful, well priced & willing to accommodate and help where they can - I definitely recommend Accubet for all your furry babies!
I just love this place and the people. They make you feel welcome and treat my Jackie with tenderness and love. Amazing. Thank you all ????
This new addition to Dr. Marius Louw's practices will exceed all your service needs. He is well known in South Africa and abroad for his knowledge on wildlife and small animals. I can recommend him for all the veterinary needs you may have. He has been looking after my pets for many years. His new practice has all the facilities and is state of the art. Full 5 stars to Accuvet Hospital!
Ollie Kotze  
Friendly, affordable and most of all super proficient. Dr. Louw and his staff are top notch. Thank you for looking after our Maltese as if she was your own.
Great vet for reptiles. My snake was very sick and on the verge of dying, but made an astonishing recovery while in the care of the doctor and staff there. Would like to thank them.
Been here a couple of times, and I can honestly recommend them. Great and friendly veterinarians.
Great vet. Very busy, make a booking to see the Dr
With the whole experience, from when you walk into the door, you can feel their love for animals. They treat your pets like their own and their prices are aslo reasonable.
Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness
I rushed in there with a bird that I thought would not make it that I picked up off the street and they assisted without asking any questions, for free! The bird literally flew out of there 5 minutes later and they were wonderful...amazing place with very helpful staff, highly recommend it!
Great service overall. This Vet is actually not trying to get every penny out of you. We have often found that his products are also one of the cheapest in the area.
The Dr was very caring and explained everything clearly. She also told me how long I would wait. Very thoughtful. Thank you
We are emagrating soon and we needed help with my dog's Titre test. They were very helpful and their service was quick! I'm very greatful.
The vet here is extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Really goes the extra mile. All the staff members are incredibly friendly and eager to please.
Had an emergency with one of my exotics in a sunday afternoon and Marius opened the clinic just to assist me. Wonderful caring people.
Great service and reasonable prices.
Excellent vet who really cares. Everyone there is always friendly and helpful.
They are so nice and really really care for your animals
Friendly and helpful staff makes it a pleasure to visit this vet.
My furies babies love the attention!!!
People who care and have a real passion for our precious fury kidz. Personal relationship with the animals and genuine interest in their wellbeign. Accuvet is the best!
Dr Marius is the best vet in Pta East. Period.
Exelent service! Dr Louw is the most caring and professional veterinary I have ever come across. Highly recommended.
Brilliant, caring and professional service. Dr. Louw truly cares about his patients.
Fantastic ppl and Doctor is awesome could not ask for a better vet.
Very kind and friendly group of people. Thank you for attending to my cat.
Friendly and helpful. Excellent service and care.
Best Vet for your fur baby.
Very best Veterinarian in the East. Takes extra care of your pets and prpvides them with the very best medical treatment
Wonderful Vet. Great Vet shop with great variety of products.
By far the best vet in town! Highly recommended.
Friendly and professional service at an affordable price.
Very clean and efficient place with nice vets
Very friendly and helpful staff. Interior clean and neat.
Awesome and a very caring doctor and staff...just the best
Bella had a great first experience, thank you!
Great vet. Very friendly.
Best place to take your animals. Had a wonderful experience.
Great Vet!
Great service, quick and simple.
Brilliant! Professional after hours service, when we need it most!
Brilliant vet with a real love for animals
Dr Marius was just wonderful with my doggo.
Dr Marius passion for animals is the reason I will always take my pets to him.
Excellent docter who truly cares for the pets.
Excellent vet and staff
Always helps our schnauzies
Excellent Vet. Superb customer service.
Excellent service and kind staff.
Fabulous vet. Good prices.
This is the best vet in the East!
Very professional, great experience
My boerboels love him and his staff.
Really caring and superb service.
Best Vet I've been to
After hours was bliss with our sick daschund!
Caring for you pets and excellent service and empathy
Best vet very impressed
Their service is amazing.
Best service and affordable
Best vet in Pta East!
Fantastic , honest vet.
Friendly and knowledgeable.
Best place to take your birds
Very helpful and friendly staff
Effective service
Very nice vet.
Very friendly staff
Excellent service and care.
Very loving towards the animals
Excellent as usual!
Best Vet in town!!!!
Compassionate staff
Very helpfull and friendly
Great and caring vet
Great service
Lovely vet!
Great caring vet
Best vet in Pretoria
Fantastic vet.
Excellent service!!
Excellent service
Amazing team!
Friendly and amazing
Friendly and professional
Very friendly
Friendly dr
(Translated by Google) Dr Marius is very friendly and makes sure your animals are looked after.
Would recommend anyone to come here.

Dr Marius is baie vriendlik en maak seker jou diere word na gekyk.
Sal enige iemand aanbeveel om hierna toe te kom.
(Translated by Google) Wow! I am so satisfied with Dr Marius and his staff. Best service ever, and lots of love and care.

Sjoe! Ek is só tevrede met dr Marius én sy personeel. Beste diens ooit, en baie liefde en omgee.
(Translated by Google) Very good vet and staff always ready to help!

Baie goeie veearts en personeel altyd reg om te help!
(Translated by Google) Friendly and helpful. Very affordable and good quality work.

Vriendelik en behulpsaam. Baie bekostigbaar en goeie gehalte werk.
(Translated by Google) Interesting and friendly. Definitely for my animals!

Belangstellend en vriendelik. Beslis vir my diere!
(Translated by Google) Good service, pleasant waiting room.

Goeie diens, aangename wag kamer.
(Translated by Google) Lovely and friendly staff and veterinarians!

Lieflike en vriendelike staf en veeartse!






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